KRM Ares 2713 DD Soladrill

Low disturbance double disc coulters with close coupled press wheels for optimum seed placement.

KRM Double Disc Coulter

The leading disc design allows the coulter to cut through the soil surface and crop residues while minimizing the risk of "hair pinning" and trapping stones between the disc's. Maintenance free, slimline hubs provide maximum clearance between coulter units to prevent blockages in min-till situations. The shallow angle of the disc's reduces the amount of soil being moved for minimum disturbance drilling, this reduces the power requirement of the tractor and ensures seeds are always covered, deeper drilling is also easier to achieve.


Coulter pressure is simple to adjust, with four settings between minimum and maximum. The parallel linkage design ensures the optimum attack angle is always maintained.
Drilling depth is adjusted by altering the position of the press wheel using the adjuster shown above, a choice of 9 positions are available.
Spoked to reduce weight and close coupled to optimize drilling depth the press wheels ensure good seed soil contact for even emergence.


Standard Features

The solatronic control box monitors all key areas of sowing including; forward speed, area sown, fan speed, hopper level and tramline management.

Further details of this and other electronic solutions for variable rate drilling can be found here

When on a tramline bout the tramline valves save seed back to the tank, preventing over sowing and ensuring a clean start to each tramline. As standard two shutoffs are used per wheeling, three can be specified to accommodate large/flotation tyres.
Heavy duty, shear bolt protected markers leave an easily visible mark. The angle of the large diameter marker disc's can be adjusted to ensure a clear mark is left in difficult seed beds. The tramlining sequence is advanced automatically when the operator moves the markers.

The position of the metering unit makes calibration and rate setting simple. Rather than being tucked under the center of the hopper the metering unit is located at the front left hand corner greatly improving access.

The central metering unit offers precise control of sowing rate from 2 to 400kg/ha and ensures even seed spacing. The seed is metered into a high speed air stream then distributed to the individual coulters. This unit offers easy calibration, simple setting and fast hopper emptying.

Drive for the metering unit is supplied by a shaft from one of the drills large flotation wheels ensuring constant drive. Accurate calibration is performed simply by turning the wheel and collecting the metered seed. To prevent the wheel running on when the drill is lifted at the headland a brake wheel is fitted.
Large diameter serrated disc's leave a well defined mark. The angle of the disc can be adjusted to suit various conditions and wheel or centre marking can be set as preferred. A check valve eliminates the possibility of marker creep, the pivoting mount ensures that the marker is always in contact with the ground.

Ares Solo

As a solo drill the Ares is available in 4, 4.5, 4.8, 5, and 6m widths. Even in wider widths the compact design of this drill allows a low horsepower, lightweight tractor to be used. Resulting in reduced fuel usage and compaction whilst maintaining high daily work rates. Standard specification includes hydraulic drive fan.


Ares Integrated Cultivator

Here the cultivator is integrated into the drill design allowing the weight of the hopper contents to remain close to the tractor for reduced lift requirement. It features two rows of adjustable tines to provide initial loosening prior to sowing. Suitable for use in a wide range of conditions including heavy, wet soils and Min-Till incorporated seed beds.




Keith Rennie Machinery Ltd, Registered office: Clay Pit Lane, Bar Lane Industrial Estate, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire,YO51 9LS
Tel: 01423 324221
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Fax: 01423 324355